Sunday, February 3

Recent Parties.

Here are the pictures from Kel's and Brian's surprise party.

Their cake.
There was a moment of odd silence until Darren suddenly burst into laughters.OK. Here's your birthday song dudes. and Kel says something.
There goes the candles.
Then the cake.
and POSE!


A bunch of youths went to Nicholas Chew's house yesterday for his farewell party. He's leaving for Aussie too, next week. The time spent with them was great. It's been awhile since I've been out with the youths. It reminded me of how much these guys mean to me. You guys are awesome! Especially Joel[a.k.a. kai ye], Salby[a.k.a. kai ma], Kat[a.k.a. kai che], Joshua Cheah, Eric, Dan Wong, Ben Jin, Darren, Emilia Toh, Ben Ong who is in the States, Wei Chin, Jonathan Yee, Kenny Ng, Se-Ken, Julia who is currently in NS, Gab and Eugene Gerard. Well, back to this. We departed church at about 7? and reached his house at about 7.30. He stays in Kepong by the way. When we were IN his house, Joel spotted this really cute pillow and that was how this picture below came about. The rest of the evening was just chatting and more of chatting with the youths. and many hugs too. LoL.

With Kai Ye.

With Kai Che.

Kai Ma missing[was at Switchfoot concert].


Last but not least, I would like to wish Celina, who is also heading off to Aussie next week, a safe journey. Hope to see you back soon! =)

Heart,Ee Laine.

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