Untitled 2.
Stephen Lim. Who has been there for me when I really needed him. Benjamin Ong. Who has constantly looked out for me.
L-R:Daryl, Tjun Kit, Jun Leng and Eu Kin. These PC dudes, they rock my life!
L-R: Ivan Yun, Jonathan Chuah, Gabriel Chong and Rachel Gan. They rock harder. Haha. Salby mum and Joel dad. Those were the fun times we had during choir. Miss them.
Eric Marc, who never fail to stunt.
Kai Che
Emilia and Chee Pang, I guess they're just bored.
Stuntman of all stuntman, Daniel Wong. Nice guy, nevertheless.
Ben Jin!! Hehe..
Beloved Ry-Ann Lim Kim Jynn and Tan Wen Min. Our primary school days.
the giraffe bookmark I borrowed from Esther for 2 weeks.