Friday, July 4

Nonsense Bunch.

Loads of stuffs has been on lately and I have been a wee bit too busy and uninspired to blog here. Well, there was my bbq party. Was not too bad. Had my cousin and her family visiting from Singapore who came. She enjoyed herself, so did the rest of the nonsense bunch who came. I even got a pleasant surprise, from the youth fellas that Saturday. Thanks once again, and Eric Marc, I knew you were lying to me. You're no good at lying to me! Haha.. 

Helping with the fire.
Too engross with the conversation?
At the pit, bbqing. John looks happy, Ben Toh looks blur, Dan couldn't be bothered, and Josh... He seems to be enjoying himself.

This other bunch came after the party was over. They came after Chloe's. This was also another surprise. A girl can only handle that much of surprises in one day. I was really touched. Still am. Thanks. Again.

Just look at them. Sigh. Sadly, I am part of this bunch too. 

Went out with another bunch of nonsense girls too. We started off in school. Taking the bus to Mid Valley. Was a good trip indeed. Dined in Cora. The food was great but the company that was there was far more greater than the food. I cannot deny that.
Carmen and Ei Leen with big smiles.
Rachel posing for the camera.
What Wen Min does best at, and I guess all of us too.

Ee Laine.

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