Saturday, January 5

Back To School Once Again.

Gosh. We're back to school. Wasn't too happy to end my holiday a bit too soon. Then my friends ask me, "Aren't you happy to go back to school? You get to meet all you friends again and all". Yea sure. I miss them. I was just not ready to start school yet. First day of school was as I dreaded. The first day was more bearable because of Hui Yi. Thank God. Without her, I think I would have just "died" there on the first day itself in 3B6, and YES, I got into 3B6. Stupid class. However, I'm not going to dislike my class[which I do right now, I wanna say hate but it's a really strong word, as some people say] but I'm trying to love. And yet, Obviously, easier said than done. From the first day of the year, I already had this feeling towards 2008. I was already disliking 2008. Yes. Don't ask me why ok. After talking to a few of my good and trust able friends, and also after doing devotion, I looked at 2008 in a new way. And I know God placed me there for a reason because there's no such thing as coincidence with God and I'm going to do His work and obey Him.

Ee Laine

My first post of 2008.

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