Thursday, May 3

Something let loose from the shell

You might think Pn. Giam(2B1's Malay teach) is all stern and stuck-up, well the truth is she's not that bad. We(Hui Yi & I) were doing our oral(in Malay of course) and we totally made teacher laugh. I don't think teacher would give us so low marks, that wasn't bad you know, for making her laugh, I mean. I guess it's good for her, to laugh once in a while so her mood lightens up. Unlike us, we laugh too much, xP yes we're crazy fellas, as all can see. HaHaHa... I like it that way and I hope it'll stay that way. To all the rockers in 2B1, you girls rock! Thanks for rocking my world too, I hope you girls will never get tired of me making you all laugh. =)

Ee Laine

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