Thursday, November 1

Filled with emotion

As I was lying down on my bed last night, sudden emotions just swept through me. the memorable ones. the painful ones. and suddenly tears started rolling down my cheeks. I urged them to stop but it kept coming. There are somethings in the past I've been holding on for far too long that has surfaced the past few weeks. It had caused my mood swings at times and have hurt my best of friends[truly sorry].

I decided not to attend school today. Despite the boredom awaiting me at home, I still decided not to go to school yet to another day of nothing in school. It didn't make much of a difference anyway. I miss those times when I look forward to going to school. The fun that was ahead each day, has been taken away. After the 3rd term exam was over, school has become a place i never really like anymore. It never gives me the feeling of belonging like it used to. I miss you Wen Min. I'm not the only one anyway. It isn't the same without you during recess. Things are different now.

I would like to wish all who are sitting for SPM and STPM all the best. God bless.

Ee Laine

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