Thursday, July 12

Motivational Talk.

I was sent for a motivational talk last week [by I don't know which teacher.well, way to go Ee Laine], it was so boring. Well, I survived. I learnt one thing when I walked out that door, I hate people who interrupts when someone else is talking. I did listen throughout the talk, just that I was ready to fall asleep anytime because it was conducted in Chinese[good heavens!]. After we got back to class[I wasn't the only one in my class who went for that stupid thing alright], teacher told us[those who went for the pathetic talk] that we had to present it in front of the class what WE have learnt. "The counselors told me that............[Your future is the result of your present]." I jotted down some stuff there ok. That proves I WAS listening! I never did regret listening[though it might be really pathetic to me, but still]. I did found out how lucky I was too. Well, I'm really blessed, more like it.

Ee Laine

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