Friday, March 2

What's viewing from a different point of view.

Being rejected by everyone in class is something you wouldn't want in your entire life. Sad to say I have a friend who is in a situation like that. Being the most annoying guy in class and the "most liked" student among the teachers. But some how, he got to be one of my close friends and I'm fine with it.

Our friendship started with a sms. At first I was irritated because like all my other class mates, I disliked him. As I got to know him more, I didn't see him the way everyone saw him anymore. It was like seeing him in another point of view and I totally saw a different guy in him. Although he is still the guy everyone knows and well, dislike, I know that we have something in common that not many have in common with him, a friendship.

I really think everyone, the ones who are irritating, those who have hurt you or wronged against you deserve a second chance. What if you find yourself in that situation? You would really like the other person to give a second chance to see you from a whole different point of view right? That's what I did, and I think by now(if you're in my class) you'll know who I'm talking about. I hope you'll give him that oppourtunity

Ee Laine


Anonymous said...

who are you talking about?

Laine =] said...

who else la dear?

Anonymous said...

thx...really thx.....thx...thx...other then tq...i duno what else i can say....thankyou very much...EE LAINE

Laine =] said...

That's what being a friend is for. You're welcome.

NinG said...

laine, i m so so so so proud of u! *huggiez*
this is wat christians should be have wey~ ^^
keep it up!

Laine =] said...

thanks =)

Anonymous said...

don't know why...this 2 days i had been coming to your blog and read is really touching...i really thank God for letting me to know you...i had never regret for knowing you...thx Laine

green apple said...

1 year wrote this post for me...1 year later...this date...i was waiting sth...i'm still waiting...and i'll be waiting...till that day come...our friendship Laine...i had always pray to God...that He seperated us for some reason...and i pray to Him that pls let us be back together like old times...i really misses those memories...